Friday, August 6, 2010


Considering my last post, I feel like I have accomplished a lot in the past day:)

I finished  a pair of pants for Anna (lillalotta). When I find my camera will take photo to let you see!

I also have almost finished a size 4 skirt in a gorgeous pale blue floral. I also cut out a pair of pants

which I'm seeing will be quick and easy to fit into my plan of.... keeping it simple but still very me.

I don't even feel out there tired!

The two have started to move...So very excited about this:)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Poor Pollen!

Well Pollen has been a little more then a 'little' neglected of late.

Tired has not been my friend.

Yes, growing two babes is hard work on the body!

Never did I think I could sleep 3 hours in a day then go to bed at 6 pm & sleep until morning.

Made some maternity pants for myself & to, which I needed as all my pants just don't fit anymore:)

I have also cut out a skirt and am frustrated because I am sick with head cold & am to tired to sew it up....

I am really missing sewing, so my aim is to sew and sleep:)

Oh, I also finished two tops which are very cute and will go to the Kalbar Country Markets in October.

If they don't sell there, you will be able to see them on our etsy store for sale.

I am now 14 weeks and 4 days along in my pregnancy:)