Friday, May 21, 2010

Visiting Grandma's House

Ohhhhh.....what a wonderful lunch I just had....

With my Grandma, Poppy and my husband and two little boys.

I love visiting my Grandma, I use to just about live there when I was growing up.

My sister and I filled our days mainly horse riding, but also cooking, sewing, and playing.

My Grandma taught me to knit, whilst at a very low point in my life.

I so love and respact my Grandma and Poppy.

Today was only a few hours spent with Grandma, but ohhhh what treasures she gave me:)

From old magazines, buttons, cotton thread and fabric. My Grandma knows my heart. So much vintage

goodness. This is my Grandma who hasn't thrown out anything! It might just have a use some day...

She even gave me a quick lesson in crocheting.



sean the prawn said...

I love my Grandma even though she is not with us in person anymore I still feel her spirit with me. She was a big creative influence in my life.

Linda said...

You brought back memories. I so miss my Grandma. She was always giving me little things she picked up as well and taught me so much about sewing, gardening,baking. Grandmas are so wonderful! Thanks for sharing!